Logo a vizuál pro meetup skupinu ngParty volně sdružující developery aplikací a další nadšence moderních technologií. Sami organizátoři ngParty popisují takto:
This meetup is for all interested in modern apps development! yesss.
We are focusing mainly on JavaScript and Typescript, also keeping close eye on React, Polymer, WebComponents and Angular, but overall, we are open to all Next Generation technologies.
Come join us! We have a saying here at ngParty: There is never late or early, to have a good beer with folks, yes YOU! from the community.
Our main goal is to get developers together and exchange their experience and knowledge no matter what type of carbon entity they are, for that reasont our meetups are in English and doesn't accept negative waves of any kind.
We are focusing mainly on JavaScript and Typescript, also keeping close eye on React, Polymer, WebComponents and Angular, but overall, we are open to all Next Generation technologies.
Come join us! We have a saying here at ngParty: There is never late or early, to have a good beer with folks, yes YOU! from the community.
Our main goal is to get developers together and exchange their experience and knowledge no matter what type of carbon entity they are, for that reasont our meetups are in English and doesn't accept negative waves of any kind.